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Predictors of the enjoyment and missing experiences of Malaysian students in home country and overseas.

Mazni Mustapha, Michael E. Hyland

Volume : Vol 7 Issue 1, 2019

Publication Date : 2019-10-29

Keywords : Enjoyment,Missing ,Adaptation,Subjective well-being,Value Importance,Value Satisfaction,Students,Malaysia

Abstract :

The purpose of this longitudinal study was to identify the predictors of the adaptation experiences of Malaysian students in home country and overseas, from two perspectives: missing and enjoyment experiences. At Time 1, 2090 responses were collected from a group of students who were enrolling at various overseas preparatory studying programmes (later termed as overseas students) and also first year students who were continuing their education at a public university in Malaysia (later termed as home country students). At Time 2, 628 of the participants were retained. The predictor variables were Time 1 well-being indicators (i.e. life satisfaction, positive and negative affect), importance and satisfaction of conservation and self-transcendence values, perceived success (measured by the Malaysian Certificate of Examination results and perceived English language fluency), personality, and parents’ level of education. The findings showed that overseas students who had a low level of English language fluency and a high level of importance of conservation and satisfaction of self-transcendence values tended to miss home. Similarly, overseas students who were less fluent in English were less likely to enjoy their life abroad. Whilst for the home country students, the high level of negative affect predicted their missing experience, and none of the predictor variables were found to be significant in contributing to enjoyment experience.


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Balan Rathakrishnan, Soon Singh Bikar Singh, Mohammad Rahim Kamaluddin

Volume : Vol 7 Issue 1, 2019

Publication Date : 2019-10-29

Keywords : JOB SATISFACTIONS, Habitual Physical Activity

Abstract :

Job has become one of the essential needs of all humans in the current 21st century. Without a job or career that particular individual will not be able to obtain their basic needs in their daily life. Hence by having a job or working this individual will have the money to buy the things that they require to sustain in their life. Since, job plays a huge role in a person’s life, a big portion if their time is being spent at their job. Thus, it is very crucial that the satisfaction that they experience at their workplace is optimum in order for them to have satisfied life. Same situation goes to the higher education teaching personals. Educational sector is mostly regarded as the backbone of country since good leaders are born through the learning process that they encounter in their schooling life. Hence, it is very important the educators experience high job satisfaction in order to able to produce quality and excellent students which will help in the up growth of the nation. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between habitual physical activity towards the job satisfaction that is being experienced by the lectures of University Malaysia Sabah. 

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Koay Ting Yin,Azizi Hj Yahaya, Choi Sangryeol, Ismail Maakip, Peter Voo, Halimah Maalip

Volume : Vol 7 Issue 1, 2019

Publication Date : 2019-10-29

Keywords : Smartphone Usage, Smartphone Addiction, Internet Addiction, Nomophobia and Young Adults

Abstract :

The aim of this study is to identify the relationships among the factors, which are smartphone usage, smartphone addiction, internet addiction and Nomophobia to the extend where how much and how each factor affects each other. The 98 respondents are from the whole UMS, Sabah campus, and are from various and different faculties and ethnic backgrounds. The smartphone usage was measured by the Smartphone Usage questionnaire which already exists and the smartphone addiction level was measured through a questionnaire from Smartphone Addiction Scale – Short Version (SAS – SV). The internet addiction level was measured through the Korean Short Version Internet Addiction Scale (KS – Scale), and lastly, the level of Nomophobia was measured through the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q). The data were collected through Google Form and analyzed through SPSS Version 22 for Windows. The relationships among the factors, which are smartphone usage, internet addiction, smartphone addiction, and Nomophobia are found strong relationships. There is a supported relationship between smartphone usage, internet addiction, smartphone addiction, and Nomophobia.

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Aminah Bee Binti Mohd Kassim, Noor Hassline Binti Mohamed

Volume : Vol 7 Issue 1, 2019

Publication Date : 2019-10-29

Keywords :

Abstract : Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a group of developmental disorders. Although the global prevalence of ASD is reported to be between 3-6 children per 1000, there is difficulty in comparing the prevalence of ASD across countries because of the variation in methodology, age group of population and the sample size studied. The prevalence of ASD shows an increasing trend and factors attributing to the rise in prevalence include the increase in awareness on the signs and symptoms of ASD, the increase in access to services, the changes in the definition of autism over time and the broadening of the diagnostic criteria. Among the administrative factors also linked to the increase in prevalence were changed in reporting practices and availability of records. Before1990’s diagnosis of ASD was more often after the entrance to the school. Currently, there are diagnostic tools available and the diagnosis can be made among toddlers. However, for those on the milder end of the spectrum with average or aboveaverage language and cognitive abilities, the diagnosis is still made after school entry. Early detection, diagnosis, and intervention are important in promoting better long-term outcomes and as such screening programs need to be in place. Sustainability of the program requires training of primary care providers, the use of specially designed tools for screening and protocols for referral, and a multidisciplinary diagnostic team. This paper shares the Malaysian experience in implementing a screening program since 2011 and the outcomes of the screening program for ASD in primary care.

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Amelia Neelagandan, Mohd Dahlan A. Malek

Volume : Vol 7 Issue 1, 2019

Publication Date : 2019-10-29

Keywords : HRQOL, Autism & Outcome Measure

Abstract : Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting communication, socialization, and behaviour. There are many interventions for children with autism, such as behaviour management, communication intervention, diet modification, and sensory integration. While some clinical interventions are empirically based, many are not evidence-based. It is difficult to compare and evaluate treatment efficacy as different treatments have varying outcome measures. The objective of this paper is to propose the use of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) as an outcome measure for autism intervention. The paper outlines the relationship between autism and HRQOL, autism intervention and outcome measures, and why they use of HRQOL is an ideal outcome measure for any autism intervention.

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Ooh Seow Ling, Chua Bee Seok, Ismail Maakip

Volume : Vol 7 Issue 1, 2019

Publication Date : 2019-10-29

Keywords : Conflict Types, Conflict Resolution Strategies & Employees Behavior

Abstract : Conflict is inevitable in the workplace. Studies found conflicts in the workplace tend to contribute negative effects on employees’ positive behaviors. However, conflict is not always bad, it depends on the conflict types and the conflict resolution strategies. In this conceptual paper, the missing picture of the relationship between conflicts, conflict resolution strategies, and employees’ positive behaviors will be discussed. Understanding the relationship between these variables enables us to have a better knowledge of how the conflict affects employee behaviors. And, the knowledge will benefit industrial and organizational psychologist, workplace counselors and human resource manager

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Towards a Consensual Framework of Emotional Labor

Volume : Vol 6, 2018

Publication Date : 2019-01-08

Keywords : emotional labor,emotion regulation,surface acting,deep acting

Abstract :


Emotional labor is an important phenomenon of study in the field of industrial and organizational psychology as it is known to affect a myriad of organizationally-relevant outcomes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. However, researchers examining the process of emotional labor have yet to agree upon a single, common framework and nomenclature. As such, the field is speckled with piecemeal findings and inconsistent usage of terminologies which only serve to undermine our understanding of the phenomenon at hand. This paper attempts to reconcile discrepant usage of terminologies, considers and integrates current knowledge of emotional labor, and proposes a general framework of the process of emotional labor.

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Locus of Control, Marital Satisfaction and Marital Stability among Newlyweds

Joki Perdani Sawai,Rumaya Juhari , Rojanah Kahar , Zanariah Ismail, Rezki Perdani Sawai

Volume : Vol 6, 2018

Publication Date : 2018-12-17

Keywords : locus of control, marital satisfaction, marital stability, newlyweds

Abstract :


The present study examined the relationship between locus of control with marital satisfaction and marital stability in a sample of 278 newlyweds. Participants completed the Demographic Information Sheet, The Internality, Powerful Others, and Chance (IPC) Scale, Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMSS) and Marital Instability Index (MII). Correlation analysis was employed to assess relationships among the variables. Result indicated that there is a negative significant relationship between external locus of control and marital satisfaction, but there is no significant relationship between internal locus of control and marital satisfaction. Whereas, there is no significant relationship between both locus of control with marital stability.  This study incongruent with past research and contributes to the new findings on locus of control.


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Azizi Yahaya, Koay Ting Yin, Ismail Maakip, Peter Voo, Sabihah Binti Sapuan

Volume : Vol 6, 2018

Publication Date : 2018-12-17

Keywords : Pencapaian Akademik,Permasalahan Agama ,Moral ,Kerjaya

Abstract :

Dalam kajian ini penyelidik ingin melihat permasalahan yang paling utama,  pencapaian akademik pelajar dalam PMR serta mengenal pasti perbezaan permasalahan yang dihadapi berdasarkan demografi pelajar. Kajian dilakukan ke atas 186 orang responden menggunakan soal selidik yang diterjemah daripada MPCL yang dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian. Bahagian A melibatkan demografi pelajar dan bahagian B melibatkan maklum balas pelajar terhadap elemen permasalahan. Maklum balas yang diterima dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS versi 14.0. Statistik deskriptif seperti frekuensi, peratusan, min dan sisihan piawai serta statistik inferensi seperti ujian-t telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Nilai kebolehpercayaan Alpha Cronbach adalah α = .895. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pelajar-pelajar di sekolah menengah daerah Mersing berada pada tahap sederhana (min = 3.20). Permasalahan akademik dan kerjaya merupakan permasalahan yang paling utama (min = 3.82) serta tidak terdapat perbezaan permasalahan pelajar mengikut jantina, bangsa dan lokasi sekolah tetapi terdapat perbezaan permasalahan agama dan moral mengikut bangsa (k = .01 < α = .05) dan terdapat perbezaan permasalahan persekolahan yang dihadapi oleh pelajar-pelajar yang dikaji mengikut jantina (k = .004 < α = .05) dan lokasi sekolah (k = .002 < α = .05). Ini bermakna pelajar-pelajar tingkatan empat di sekolah menengah daerah Mersing perlu dibantu bagi mengurangkan permasalahan akademik dan kerjaya, serta tumpuan boleh diberi bagi permasalahan agama dan moral mengikut bangsa dan persekolahan mengikut lokasi sekolah.

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Perbaikan Tingkah Laku Bermasalah Kanak-Kanak Sekolah Rendah Melalui Terapi Kognitif–Tingkah Laku

Johari Talib, Maharam Mamat, Maznah Ibrahim, Zulkifli Mohamad

Volume : Vol 5, 2017

Publication Date : 2017-12-29

Keywords : perbaikan, tingkah laku, peminggiran, pencapaian sederhana, Kognitif-Tngkah Laku, motivasi, keibubapaan

Abstract : Kajian ini berasaskan masalah peminggiran yang dilakukan oleh pentadbir sekolah rendah terhadap murid-murid yang mempunyai pencapaian sederhana dan rendah. Sekolah yang dijadikan sampel dalam kajian ini menjalankan sistem pengaliran dengan ketat dan pada masa yang sama memberi perhatian khas kepada murid-murid yang dijangka mendapat pencapaian cemerlang dalam peperiksaan Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah. Pendekatan Terapi Kognitif-Tingkah laku (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) Model Kajian Tindakan Kaunseling Elliot (1991) telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Seramai 50 orang murid terpinggir telah diberikan perhatian melalui bimbingan kerja rumah, kaunseling individu, kaunseling kelompok, terapi muzik dan lukisan, serta mengikuti kem motivasi pada hujung minggu. Pada masa yang sama, ibu bapa murid turut diberikan khidmat kaunseling secara kelompok dan individu serta bimbingan keibubapaan. Dalam tempoh tiga bulan program ini dijalankan, didapati terdapat peningkatan yang ketara bagi konsep kendiri kanak-kanak, tingkah laku masteri dalam bilik darjah dan pencapaian murid yang lebih memberansangkan dalam tiga subjek yang diukur, iaitu, bacaan, matematik dan Bahasa Melayu. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa murid yang mempunyai pencapaian sederhana dalam pelajaran di sekolah boleh mengalami penambahbaikan tingkah laku dan peningkatan pencapaian akademik jika diberi perhatian sewajarnya. Ini juga boleh menolak tanggapan bahawa golongan murid yang sederhana pencapaian mereka dalam akademik merupakan kumpulan kanak-kanak yang boleh mencacatkan reputasi keputusan peperiksaan Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah.

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