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Mohd Haazik Mohamed, Noh Amit, Komathi Perialathhan, Wanda Kiyah George Albert, Norafifah Bali, Azreel Azim Abdul Alim

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Readiness to Quit Smoking, Social support, Nicotine Dependence, Hospital’s Patients

Abstract : The Quit Smoking Clinic Services (QSCS) service at government hospitals is provided by the Ministry of Health Malaysia to help smokers quit smoking. Therefore, information on socio-demographic characteristics, smoking profiles and factors that correlate with the readiness to quit smoking is important. This study was conducted to identify factors that correlate with the readiness to quit smoking. A total of 115 respondents were involved in this study. Social support from friends has a significant negative correlation with willingness to quit smoking (r=-0.224). For the willingness to quit smoking construct, there is a significant negative correlation between social support from the family and the pre-contemplation construct score (r=-0.179), there is a negative significant correlation between the nicotine dependence score and the contemplation construct score (r=-0.180), there is a significant negative correlation between social support from friends with the action construct score (r=0.183) and there is a significant negative correlation between social support as a whole and social support from friends with the behavior maintenance construct (r=-0.206, r=-0.305). Therefore, the results of this study have the potential to be used as the basis reference for the development of special guidelines that focus on empowering smokers against external influences to quit smoking. In addition, factors such as socio-demographic characteristics, nicotine dependence, social support, play an important role in each stage of readiness to quit smoking. Special modules of behavioural treatment interventions involving social support and using available resources are needed to ensure that smoking treatment given is appropriate. Thus, assessment study using biopsychosocial and spiritual perspectives should also be conducted in Malaysia so that an understanding of the issues faced by smokers to quit smoking can be clearly understood holistically.

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Azzyaty Azra, Erna Risnawati, Budi Hermaini, Muman Hendre Budiman, Etty Kartikawati

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Anxiety, Covid-19, Death Anxiety, Psychological Well-Being

Abstract : The Covid-19 pandemic that has lasted until now has changed family life. The government also provides regulations to carry out social restrictions by carrying out various activities from home. More interaction during covid actually raises new problems such as increasing family conflicts which reduce family resilience. This study aims to determine the relationship between family communication pattern with family resilience in the covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a correlational quantitative research design. Data were collected using the Revised Family Communication Patterns (RFCP) Scale by Fitzoatrick to determine how parents and childrens communicate and interact within the family and the Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire (WRFQ) Scale by Walsh to measure the level of family resilience. The participation on this research were one-hundred thirty family components men and women who are married in Jabodetabek. The data analysis used was Spearman correlation. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship family communication patterns and family resilience (r= 0,574). Significant correlation conversation orientation and family resilience (r=0,706). This study provides an new overview of how important communication is during the family period in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Kesantini Athinarayanan Rao, Getrude C. Ah Gang

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Test and Testing, Psychometrics, Evaluation, Measurement

Abstract : There is a rise in the incidence and prevalence of mental distress among university students. However, the rate of mental health service utilisation is low. As psychological help-seeking attitude is a strong predictor for seeking psychological treatment, it is important to validate feasible and psychometrically sound instruments in the Malaysian context. This pilot study aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of six scales measuring the moderating role of culture on the effect of stigma in psychological help-seeking attitudes among university students. An online questionnaire, consisting of 83 items and 6 scales namely, the Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-21), Loss of Face Scale (LOF), Individualism versus Collectivism Scale (INDCOL), Perceptions of Stigmatisation by Others for Seeking Psychological Help Scale (PSOSH), Self-Stigma of Seeking Help (SSOSH), and The Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Scale (ATSPPHS-SF) is distributed to a convenience sample of 61 samples from International Islamic University Malaysia. The results of this pilot study indicated that the overall reliability of the questionnaire was Cronbach’s Alpha 0.90. The Cronbach Alpha value for the total of all measures was found to be highly reliable. A factor analysis was run to test the validity of the unidimensional scales, and the results ranged from KMO value 0.63 to 0.84 with Bartlett’s p-value for all scales being significant (p <0.00). Validity of multidimensional scales were tested with convergent validity analysis. Both the INDCOL and PVQ-21 showed a good convergent validity and is a valid tool. The instruments used in this pilot study can be used for the main research study in studying the moderating role of culture on the effect of stigma in psychological help-seeking attitudes among university students as the instruments are multiculturally competent. Therefore, in a multicultural population like Malaysia, instruments as such are found to be helpful in studying the effects of culture, stigma, and personal values on psychological help-seeking attitudes.

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Irma Himmatul Aliyyah, Raden Ahmad Idham

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Psychological Empowerment, Collaborative Behavior, Learning Agility

Abstract : The objective of this study is to determine the effect of psychological empowerment on collaborative behavior with the learning agility as a mediator among PT. Kazeto employees. The urgency of this research is to reveal other factors that can improve individual and company performance. Population in this study were all employees of PT. Kazeto, 250 people, from the head office and 3 branches. This research used a comparative quantitative approach with accidental sampling method. The results of first hypothesis showed that there is an effect of learning agility on collaboration behavior among PT. Kazeto employees. The relation between the variables of learning agility and collaboration behavior showed a path coefficient value 0.636 with a T value 9.009. This value is greater than t table (1.960). This means that the hypothesis was accepted. The second hypothesis showed that there is an effect of psychological empowerment on collaborative behavior with learning agility as a mediator. Indirect effect showed T Statistics of psychological empowerment on collaborative behavior is 7.419 with P Value is 0.000. This mean that the hypothesis is accepted

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Hayanun, Yayu Heryatun, Siti Sa’diah, Erna Risnawati

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Extensive Reading; Students’ Reading Interest

Abstract : This study aims to analyze students' interest in Extensive Reading and find out what factors influence their interest in reading. This study was conducted at UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten and involved 30 students in the fifth semester. The research design used was descriptive qualitative. In collecting the data, a questionnaire and interview were employed. The results indicate that students have a low interest in Extensive Reading. This could be seen from the results of the overall average score of the questionnaire which only achieved 2,54. In addition, there are several factors that influenced their interest in Extensive Reading, including 1) The need for reading, 2) Feelings of pleasure and interest, 3) Types of reading, 4) The Intensity of reading, 5) The Development of information and communication technology, 6) Environment, and 7) Libraries. Therefore, it could be concluded that students' reading interest in Extensive Reading depends on their needs and other factors that influence it.

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Pg Razmahayati Pg Hj Mahmud, Halimah Ma’alip, Balan Rathakrishnan, Suraya Ramli, Wan Utma Mazrah Wan Abdul Samad

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Perlakuan Buli, Pelajar, Sekolah Agama

Abstract : Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap, jenis dan faktor perlakuan buli serta program intervensi yang terdapat di sekolah menengah agama. Seramai 400 orang pelajar di empat buah negeri, iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Melaka dan Johor telah dipilih sebagai responden dalam kajian ini. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah borang soal selidik. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan adalah kaedah kuantitatif dengan tinjauan dan persampelan dilakukan secara persampelan rawak mudah kelompok atas kelompok. Nilai kebolehpercayaan instrumen adalah ? = 0.8234. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) for Windows. Statistik deskriptif iaitu frekuensi dan min digunakan untuk menganalisis tahap perlakuan buli manakala statistik inferensi iaitu regresi berganda digunakan untuk mengenal pasti faktor peramal kepada perlakuan buli dalam kalangan pelajar. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap perlakuan buli berada pada tahap sederhana. Manakala aspek yang paling mempengaruhi perlakuan buli adalah dari aspek kewangan. Kajian juga mendapati bahawa dua peramal, iaitu akademik dan kewangan dapat menyumbang 7.4 peratus kepada perlakuan buli.

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Winy Nila Wisudawati

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Teacher Self Efficacy, Gender, Kindergarten Teacher

Abstract : Teachers are not always sure with their own abilities when teaching, hesitant to take action when they meet students who are considered difficult to direct and need support to communicate student progress to parents. The competence of teachers is based on belief in their own abilities, named self-efficacy. Teacher self-efficacy is the belief that a teacher has ability to teach, manage classes, make decisions, motivate and communicate with students effectively. Objective: describe teacher self-efficacy and to prove differences in teacher self-efficacy levels based on gender of kindergarten teachers in Tangerang, Indonesia. Methods: quantitative research using survey research methods with the non-probability sampling technique of the convenience method. The research subjects (N = 54) were kindergarten teachers. The descriptive statistical test in this study used a comparison between the hypothetical mean scale and the empirical mean. The Crosstabs method to see the relationship between teacher self-efficacy based on gender and the Explore method to determine teachers who have the highest and lowest levels of teacher self-efficacy based on gender. Results: with a measurement scale of 1-7, the hypothetical mean is 4 < 5.3188 the empirical mean of teachers' self-efficacy, shows that kindergarten teachers have a high level of teacher self-efficacy. In addition, Chi-Square = 48,938 with a significance value (p) 0.049 <0.05, shows that there is a significant relationship to the teacher self-efficacy based on the gender of kindergarten teachers in Tangerang. Conclusion: kindergarten teachers at several kindergarten school in Tangerang have a high level of teacher self-efficacy and there is a significant relationship between teacher self-efficacy and gender.

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Mohd Faqhrullah Khamis, Getrude C. Ah Gang

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Ketahanan kendiri, kesediaan bekerja, IPT Sabah, Covid-19, pelajar tahun akhir

Abstract : Penularan wabak Covid-19 telah banyak merubah corak pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PdP) di universiti yang dijalankan sepenuhnya secara dalam talian. Perubahan corak pembelajaran ini mengundang rasa bimbang dalam kalangan pelajar universiti terutamanya pelajar tahun akhir di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam mahupun Swasta (IPTA/IPTS). Hal ini kerana mereka perlu berhadapan dengan cabaran dan persaingan dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan ekoran berlakunya pandemik Covid-19. Semua ini memerlukan ketahanan kendiri yang tinggi khususnya dalam kalangan pelajar tahun akhir. Dalam meneroka fenomena ini, satu kajian telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji pengaruh tahap ketahanan kendiri terhadap kesediaan mereka untuk bekerja dalam kalangan pelajar tahun akhir di IPTA dan IPTS. Kajian ini juga mengkaji perbezaan antara pelajar IPTA dan IPTS dari segi ketahanan kendiri dan kesediaan mereka untuk bekerja dalam era pandemik. Seramai 345 orang pelajar tahun akhir di IPTA/IPTS di Sabah turut serta dalam kajian. Kajian mendapati, wujud pengaruh ketahanan kendiri terhadap kesediaan bekerja bagi pelajar IPTA dan IPTS di Sabah. Dari segi perbezaan ketahanan kendiri dan kesediaan bekerja pula, tidak wujud perbezaan yang signifikan antara kedua-dua pemboleh ubah terhadap pelajar tahun akhir bagi kedua kumpulan pelajar IPTA dan IPTS. Secara keseluruhannya, isu yang dibincangkan dalam kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pelajar tahun akhir IPTA/IPTS untuk lebih bersedia dalam mendepani cabaran dalam memasuki dunia pekerjaan tidak kira dalam apa juga situasi yang berlaku di luar jangka.

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Nur Farah Syazwani Said, Nurul Hudani Md Nawi

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : Kecerdasan Emosi, Kejelekitan Kelompok Kerja, Pemain Bola Sepak

Abstract : Kejelekitan kelompok kerja adalah perasaan daya tarik ahli kelompok untuk terus kekal sebagai ahli dan merasa menjadi sebahagian dari kelompok. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti pengaruh kecerdasan emosi terhadap kejelekitan kelompok kerja dalam pasukan bola sepak di Malaysia. Manakala objektif sampingannya pula adalah untuk mengenalpasti perbezaan kejelekitan kelompok kerja berdasarkan faktor demografi iaitu umur dan status perkahwinan. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kuantitatif dimana analisis berbentuk deskriptif dijalankan bagi melihat demografi sampel dan analisis inferensi iaitu regresi bagi mengenalpasti pengaruh kecerdasan emosi terhadap kejelekitan kelompok kerja serta ANOVA bagi mengenalpasti perbezaan kejelekitan kelompok kerja. Sampel adalah 252 orang pemain bola sepak bagi Liga Perdana dan Liga Super. Kajian ini menggunakan borang soal selidik Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (SEIS) dan Group Cohesiveness Scale. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 26. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan diantara kecerdasan emosi bagi domain mengurus emosi sendiri dengan kejelekitan kelompok kerja dimana ?= 0.172, t=2.758, k < 0.05. Hasil kajian juga mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan kejelekitan kelompok kerja berdasarkan umur dan status perkahwinan pemain.

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Carmella E. Ading, Getrude C. Ah Gang, Norzihan Binti Ayub, Chua Bee Seok

Volume : Vol 11 Issue 1 2023

Publication Date : 2023-03-31

Keywords : COVID-19, Movement Control Order, Psychological Well-being, Family

Abstract : The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the psychological well-being of family, especially married couple due to their responsibilities as parents to meet the basic needs of their children and family. The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences that a married couple have had during the early phases of movement control order due to COVID-19 pandemic. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to meet the purpose of study. We have conducted an in-depth interview with a married couple. The content analysis method was used to analyse the data. As a result of the interviews, it was found that a limited knowledge on COVID-19 may bring anxiety and stress and thus affect the psychological well-being of the respondents.

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