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Mohana Tan-Parikh, Tan Soo Yin

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-08-20

Keywords : Singapore school counselling; counsellors’ roles; counsellors’ characteristics

Abstract :

School counselling has been implemented in all Singapore public schools for more than a decade. This study sought the perceptions of Singapore adolescents on the roles and characteristics of school counsellors. A survey was administered to 135 students from Nanyang Polytechnic. This research was largely descriptive in nature with one open-ended question. The results showed that adolescents had some misconceptions on the roles of school counsellors. An unanticipated finding revealed that adolescents who had not experienced the counselling process had better perceptions of the characteristics of a school counsellor. These results imply that school counsellors need to take on a more proactive role in reaching out to students, in terms of information sharing and creating awareness. Recommendations have been made for enhancing the school counselling landscape. 

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Udena Ruwindu Attygalle

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-08-20

Keywords : Adolescents, Information Literacy, Mental health

Abstract :

Information literacy is an overarching concept that incorporates many of the diverse literacy areas important for adolescent mental health. Adolescents are in a sensitive stage in their development, where they are susceptible to the possible emotional and cognitive adverse effects of the huge amount of information they have to deal with. For them, the ability to access the most useful information, critically evaluate it, reflect on it and being able to use it for the benefit of oneself and others is vital.  As adolescents in developing countries are being rapidly exposed to information and ways of living that require the abilities described in information literacy, looking at teaching these skills in formal and informal ways is important.

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Melani Aprianti, Elsa Juliana

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-08-20

Keywords : father's attachment, resilience,college student.

Abstract :

This study aims to determine the effect of father’s attachment on the resilience of psychology faculty students who are working on their final assignments at Mercu Buana University, Jakarta. A total of 102 respondents were students of facuty of Psychology who was taking the final project course. This study uses a quantitative approach, and the technique used for sampling is Non Probability Sampling. Inventory Parents and Peer Attachment (IPPA) by Armsden & Greenberg (2009) was used to measure student's attachment to father and Resilience Quotient (RQ) by Reivich & Shatte (2002) to measure student resilience. Data processing used a simple regression test to see the effect of father attachment on the resilience of students who was doing their final project in the faculty of psychology of Mercu Buana University. This study found a positive and significant influence between father's attachment to student resilience, which means the closer the student to the father, the higher the student's resilience is.

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Sarah Jane Chan Jia Chyi, Noor Azimah Muhammad

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-08-20

Keywords : Autism Spectrum Disorder, Knowledge, Attitude

Abstract :

The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been on the rise in recent years. However, lack of ASD awareness can lead to delay in diagnosis and treatment as well as stigma towards autistic individuals. Therefore, it is paramount to assess the public’s knowledge and attitude towards ASD. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Klinik Kesihatan Luyang from December 2018 to February 2019 using a self-administered questionnaire that comprised of 3 sections; sociodemographic section, Autism Stigma and Knowledge questionnaire (ASK-Q) and attitude towards ASD. There were 387 respondents who participated in this study and 25.3% of them had never heard of ASD. Among those who had heard of ASD, the mean (SD) score for ASK-Q was 35.0 (3.8) with more than 70% of them had adequate knowledge on diagnosis, aetiology and treatment of ASD. Majority of the respondents did not endorse stigma. The main sources of ASD information were from social media (69.8%) and TV/Radio (52.5%). Generally, respondents showed a high positive attitude towards ASD with a mean (SD) score of 36.0 (5.1). There were positive associations between knowledge on treatment and education level (p=0.02) and household monthly income (p=0.01) as well as knowledge on aetiology and household monthly income (p=0.03). Parenthood was associated with higher knowledge on aetiology (p=0.02) and lesser stigma endorsement (p=0.02). Males demonstrated more positive attitude compared to females (p=0.03). There was weak correlation between knowledge and attitude towards ASD (r=0.145, p=0.014). In conclusion, there is still a need for intervention to improve ASD awareness especially among the lower education and lower income population as well as those who had no parenthood experience, using effective channels of mass media.

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Zhooriyati binti Sehu Mohamad, Chen Shing Yee

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-08-20

Keywords : Sibling of Developmental Disabilities, Coping Strategies, Sibling Relationships, Family Functioning

Abstract :

Adolescents who have a sibling with developmental disabilities were more likely to have more challenges and unpleasant emotions compared to adolescents who have a sibling without developmental disabilities. Besides, the sibling relationships with developmental disabilities siblings were most likely to be affected negatively due to the deficits in cognitive, language, and social skills. Due to the challenges and unpleasant emotions among adolescents with disability siblings, this study was aimed to identify the coping strategies and sibling relationships of the adolescents with developmental disabilities siblings in Malaysia. Besides, this study also aimed to evaluate the perceptions of the adolescents who have a sibling with developmental disabilities in the family functioning. This study was conducted using qualitative research with phenomenological design on 10 participants. The participants were recruited through purposive sampling methods and data were obtained by conducting semi-structure interviews. Based on the result, the most common coping strategies used by the adolescents who have a brother or sister with developmental disabilities were emotional-focused coping strategies. Half of the adolescents reported positive sibling relationships with their brother or sister with developmental disabilities, another half of the adolescents were not. Besides, most of the adolescents perceived poorer communication, problem-solving, decision making, and less satisfaction of leisure time in the family. Therefore, parental training or counselling should be provided to the family who have a child with developmental disabilities to help the family, included the adolescents to have better coping strategies and sibling relationships to overcome the difficulties.

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Norsuhada binti Kamaludin, Guan Teik Ee

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-08-20

Keywords : Sebab-Sebab Tingkah Laku Mencederakan Diri, Remaja, Bandar Kota Kinabalu

Abstract : Tingkah laku mencederakan diri merupakan masalah utama yang menyebabkan seseorang itu membunuh diri. Namun begitu, isu tingkah laku mencederakan diri merupakan isu yang sangat jarang diperkatakan oleh masyarakat di Malaysia. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui sebab-sebab mencederakan diri terhadap 720 orang remaja yang terlibat dalam tingkah laku mencederakan diri di Bandar Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Alat kajian soal selidik Self-Hurt Assessment digunakan untuk mengumpul data. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa sebab utama remaja mencederakan diri adalah “untuk merasa rileks” (intrapersonal). Sebanyak 22.5% (162) orang remaja yang menyatakan mereka selalu melakukan perbuatan mencederakan diri kerana ingin merasa rileks. Sebab yang kedua adalah “supaya ibu bapa boleh memahami saya,” (interpersonal) iaitu sebanyak 17.9% (129) orang remaja menyatakan mereka mencederakan diri kerana menginginkan ibu bapa memahami mereka. Manakala sebab mencederakan diri yang ketiga pula ada dua, iaitu “untuk membuat sesuatu semasa bersendirian dan “untuk mencontohi orang yang disanjung tinggi.” Kedua-dua item ini adalah faktor interpersonal, masing-masing terdiri daripada 12.5% dengan jumlah responden seramai 90 orang. Dapatan kajian ini memberi implikasi kepada agensi-agensi yang memberi perkhidmatan kepada remaja. Agensi-agensi ini boleh menyediakan program yang membimbing remaja cara menyalurkan emosi dengan baik kerana remaja hari ini adalah tonggak negara pada masa hadapan.

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Noor Aizidawanie binti Tahir, Noor Hassline binti Mohamed, Norsimah binti Dasan

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-09-28

Keywords : Ketum, Felda, Teori Pembelajaran Sosial, Teori Ekologi, Faktor-faktor, Tren

Abstract : Penyalahgunaan ketum bukanlah suatu isu yang baharu dalam masyarakat kita pada hari ini. Di media-media massa banyak memaparkan berita-berita berkenaan dengan penyalahgunaan ketum. Apa yang membimbangkan, isu ini juga melibatkan golongan remaja yang merupakan pelapis pada pembangunan negara pada masa hadapan. Jadi, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka penyalahgunaan ketum dalam kalangan remaja Felda. Seramai 5 orang individu yang terdiri daripada remaja Felda telah dijadikan sebagai subjek dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif yang menggunakan temubual semi struktur bertujuan meneroka secara mendalam mengenai faktor-faktor penglibatan remaja Felda dalam penyalahgunaan ketum dan juga mengkaji trend penyalahgunaan ketum dalam kalangan remaja Felda. Teori Pembelajaran Sosial dan juga Teori Ekologi digunakan oleh pengkaji sebagai kerangka memahami faktor-faktor penyalahgunaan ketum dan juga trend penggunaan air ketum dalam kalangan remaja Felda. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi remaja Felda dalam terlibat dengan penyalahgunaan ketum. Antaranya ialah rakan sebaya, sikap ingin mencuba, kesihatan dan ingin mendapatkan kekuatan fizikal. Manakala trend yang dikenalpasti adalah dari cara pengambilan, kelompok rakan sebaya dan juga persekitaran. Jadi, berdasarkan dapatan yang diperolehi, isu penyalahgunaan ketum ini perlu dihat secara serius agar masa hadapan golongan belia Felda lebih terjamin pada masa hadapan dalam meneruskan legasi pembangunan Felda.

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Winy Nila Wisudawati, Riblita Damayanti

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-08-27

Keywords : Resilience, Stress, Student Companion, Distance Learning

Abstract : During the Covid-19 pandemic there were various policies related to the implementation of the learning system in Indonesia, such as requiring the learning process of students nationally to do online. This situation makes parents feel stressed while the child is studying at home. Stress is an individual response to the stimulus of uncomfortable conditions, problems, threats and pressures both within oneself and from the environment that can affect health and cause sociological responses, emotional reactions, behavioral reactions and cognitive assessments. Every individual, including parents who help and accompany children during distant learning, need to carry out an adaptation process. In this adaptation process, there’s a people who are able to survive and recover from negative conditions or situations and some who fail in dealing with changes in themselves and the environment. Resilience is the ability of each individual to face, handle, solve, survive, adapt and overcome all problems that arise in any difficult situation. This study aims to determine the description of resilience and stress on assistants during distance learning in Pagedangan Village, Tangerang. 294 respondents in this study were distance learning companions of students who were selected using non-probability sampling techniques with the convenience method. Measurements were made using the comparative causal method with linear regression techniques. Based on analysis test, the result shows that there is a significant effect of resilience on stress on student companions during distance learning.

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