Journal Detail

Journal Title
The Relationship Between Parental Attachment Toward Delinquent Behavior among Young Offenders
2070, 4080, 5090
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This study examined the relationship between parental attachment and delinquent behavior and the differences between age ranged and delinquency types among young offenders in Sabah. A total of 92 young offenders aged 16-21 years old were selected by using purposive sampling method from rehabilitation institutions in Sabah. The revised version of Inventory of Parents and Peers Attachments (Revised-IPPA-R) and the Junger Delinquency Scale were used in this study. The correlation findings shows that there is a weak negative and significant relationship between parental attachment and delinquent behavior (r=-.337, k<0.05). Specifically, the higher the parental attachment, the lower the delinquent behavior. Discussion on the implications for young offenders, families and communities were discussed. Some suggestions on future research were also provided. 


About Author

Author Name
Lecturer. Siti Noor Fazariah Bt Suis @ Mohd Rusdy

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