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Nur Syuhadah Romzi, Murnizam Halik, Norzihan Ayub, Patricia Joseph Kimong, Razima Hanim Osman, Norafifah Bali, Abdul Kamal Char

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-31

Keywords : Adaptasi, Kebahagiaan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pelajar

Abstract : Kebolehan beradaptasi dalam kalangan mahasiswa kurang mendapat perhatian sedangkan ianya penting bukan sahaja ketika menuntut ilmu bahkan dalam menempuh alam pekerjaan juga. Ianya juga penting untuk memahami keadaan sebenar yang dihadapi mahasiswa ketika ini berikutan perubahan drastik sistem pendidikan yang tertumpu kepada interaksi atas talian. Turut menjadi perhatian tentang isu kesihatan mental yang dilihat meningkat dalam kalangan pelajar universiti bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi di Indonesia sehingga menjadi tanda tanya tentang tahap kebahagiaan mahasiswa pada ketika ini. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji tentang kebolehan beradaptasi dan kebahagiaan dalam kalangan mahasiswa di negara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan seramai 120 responden dari Malaysia dan Indonesia telah terlibat dengan kajian ini. Soal selidik yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah I-Adapt Measure dan positive and negative affective schedule (PANAS). Keputusan kajian mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan antara adaptasi dan subskala krisis, budaya, interpersonal,pembelajaran, fizikal, kreativiti dan ketidakpastian antara pelajar Malaysia dan Indonesia. Namun begitu terdapat perbezaan dari segi subskala tekanan antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Keputusan juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan kebahagian dari segi subskala emosi negatif antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Keputusan juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan kebahagian dari segi subskala emosi positif antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Namun dilihat bahawa mahasiswa Indonesia mempunyai tingkat kebahagiaan yang lebih tinggi kerana kurang memiliki emosi negatif. Dilihat bahawa kebolehan beradaptasi juga mempunyai hubungan signifikan terhadap kebahagiaan. Kajian seperti ini perlu dilakukan dengan memperluaskan lagi lokasi kajian iaitu melibatkan mahasiswa darinegara-negara Asia yang lain. Implikasi dan cadangan kajian turut dibincangkan.

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Siti Nazurah binti Mohd Fauzi, Norhamidah binti Jarimal @ Safri, Noorma binti Razali, Jusiah binti Idang, Wanda Kiyah George Albert, Patricia Joseph Kimong

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Gaya Asuhan Ibu Bapa, Kecerdasan Emosi, Remaja Awal

Abstract : Gaya asuhan yang diterima oleh anak-anak sewaktu mereka kecil akan memberi kesan kepada perlakuan dan gaya berfikir kanak-kanak terutamanya pada peringkat sekolah rendah dan menengah. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara gaya asuhan ibu bapa dan kecerdasan emosi remaja awal. Kajian yang dijalankan di sekitar Sabah ini melibatkan 108 orang remaja lelaki dan perempuan yang berumur di antara 12 hingga 15 tahun. Borang soal selidik telah digunakan untuk pengumpulan data. Soal selidik ini terdiri daripada tiga bahagian. Bahagian A untuk memerihal ciri demografi responden yang dikaji; Bahagian B ialah Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) untuk mengukur gaya asuhan ibu bapa dan, Bahagian C ialah The Assessing Emotions Scale (AES) yang digunakan untuk mengukur kecerdasan emos remaja. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis melalui analisis deskriptif dan ujian kolerasi sampel bebas menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 27. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat hubungan yang signifikan bagi ketiga-tiga jenis gaya asuhan ibu bapa iaitu autoritarian (r = .462), autoritatif (r = .456) dan permisif (r = .354) dengan kecerdasan emosi remaja awal.

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Muhammad Razlan Bin Mat Ghani, Guan Teik Ee, Jusiah Binti Idang

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Remaja Merokok, Ketagihan Merokok, Tingkah Laku Agresif

Abstract : Ketagihan merokok dan tingkah laku agresif merupakan hasil daripada perkembangan remaja yang tidak sihat. Antara faktor yang memberi kesan kepada perkembangan tingkah laku remaja ialah faktor demografi dan status sosioekonomi (SES). Namun masih kurang kajian yang mengaitkan ketagihan merokok dengan tingkah laku agresif serta dengan faktor sosiodemografi. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan ketagihan merokok dan tingkah laku agresif dan perbezaan dari aspek demografi dan status sosioekonomi (SES). Kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dijalankan kepada 109 orang remaja berumur 13, 14, dan 16 tahun yang merokok. Soal selidik The Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC) dan The Reactive – Proactive Questionnaire (RPQ) digunakan untuk mengukur ketagihan merokok dan tingkah laku agresif manakala aspek sosiodemografi dilihat secara deskriptif. Ujian Kolerasi Pearson, ANOVA Sehala, dan Ujian-t sampel bebas digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan ketagihan merokok dengan tingkah laku agresif remaja merokok. Selain itu, terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan ketagihan merokok berdasarkan tahap ketagihan nikotin. Kajian secara kualitatif perlu dijalankan untuk mendapatkan hasil kajian yang lebih menyeluruh.

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Erna Risnawati, Yuni Permatasari, Siti Sa’diah

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Self-Compassion, Parenting Stress, Autism Sprectrum Disorder, Father, Children

Abstract : In the process of parenting a child with ASD, mothers always experience stress in the parenting process, but from the results of research and interviews that the father also has the same parenting stress with the mother. Parenting stress due to having a child with ASD can be reduced using coping stress method. Coping source from within someone which is related to their ability in managing the most difficult condition, which can be explained by self–compassion. Purpose of the present study was determining whether there was any relation between Self-Compassion and parenting stress of father with a child with ASD. The research is quantitative approach. This research used Parenting stress by Abidin (1990) and self-compassion Scale by Neff (2003). 105 respondents father with child with ASD from special schools ASD and place therapy ASD as a sample of the population of Bekasi-Indonesia, sampling using purposive sampling techniques. Correlation test results using Pearson correlation show that r = -0.224 (p < 0.05) showed that there was a negative relation between self-compassion and Parenting Stress. From this research, parent should increasing self compassion to reduce parenting stress of father with a child with ASD.

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Erna Risnawati

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Adolescent, Father Involvement, Psychological Well-Being, Developmental Psychology

Abstract : This research aims to determine the factors that can play a role in development of psychological well-being in adolescents. Recent research development shows that the role of the father is very important in the parenting process (father involvement) to minimize negative parenting, develop responsibility, autonomy, and resilience in facing the challenges, and guide how the child gives a positive or negative evaluation of himself. These are presumed relating to the development of psychological well-being individual. The type of research used in this research is correlational quantitative. Subjects in this study are adolescent who own and live with their fathers. The number of respondents in the study is as many as 145 people. The data collection technique used is convenience sampling. Data were collected through two measuring instruments, Psychological Well-being proposed by Ryff and the scale of father Involvement developed by the researcher. The analysis technique used is the Pearson correlation. The result show value (p = 0.473 and p < 0.05), meaning that there is a significant relationship between Father Involvement and Psychological well-being in adolescents.

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Winy Nila Wisudawati, Riblita Damayanti

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Parenting Class, Parenting Self Efficacy, Parents, Early Childhood

Abstract : Online learning assistance for early childhood during the Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge in itself. Thus, this phenomenon is clearly seen in several PAUD (Early Childhood Education) schools in Tangerang. Based on Focus Group Discussions and questionnaires on parents of students, it was found that parents' confidence in accompanying children and children's learning achievement at home decreased due to online learning which was considered difficult. According to Coleman and Karraker (2000), parenting self-efficacy is a parent's assessment of their competence in the role of parents or parents' perceptions of their ability to positively influence the behavior and development of their children. One of the efforts to help parents is through parenting class activities designed to enhance or improve the role of parents in childcare. Parenting class is a specific intervention designed to improve the overall quality of parents which aims to help mothers and fathers relate to their children (Scott & Gardner, 2015). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of parenting classes in increasing parenting self-efficacy in early childhood parents during the Covid-19 pandemic. Research subjects (N = 294) in this study were parents / learning companions of early childhood education students, using non-probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling method. Measurements conducted using Paired Sample T-Test. Based on the comparison of pre-test and post-test measurements, the results obtained are the value of t = -71,365, p = 0.000 <0.05, thus there is a significant difference in parenting self-efficacy both in the pre-test and post-test in parents after parenting class.

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The Psychological Effects of the COVID- 19 on Children, University Students, Adults, Older Adults: A Review Study

Ezgi Diden Merdan-Yildiz, Pelin Karaca-Dinç, Seda Oktay, Gülsen Erden

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Adults, COVID-19, Children, University Students, Psychological Effects

Abstract : The COVID-19 pandemic has psychologically affected young and old alike. Loneliness, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and sleep problems have occurred in different parts of all societies. Especially for children and adolescents, getting away from the social environment and attending online lessons while sitting at home has caused a problematic process along with some other obstacles. University students had to move away from the campus environment, which is believed to be a satisfying social atmosphere and academic environment for them, and they had to move back to their hometowns due to strict restrictions and some lockdown implementations. For adults, having multi-faced responsibilities such as having children and taking care of many family members as well as fulfilling those changing responsibilities is emotionally challenging. Older adults have gone through a long process of social isolation, loneliness, depression, and negative stereotypes about age, and they have had difficulties in accessing their basic needs. By considering the different needs of every age group, it is essential to understand how everyone is affected during the pandemic process. The aim of study is to examine the psychological effects, risk factors, age-specific problems experienced in each age group during COVID-19 and to raise awareness about the protective factors and elements that can increase psychological well-being.

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Lucille D. Evangelista, Kristoffer Conrad M. Tejada

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Adolescents, Curiosity, Strengths Use

Abstract : Students in the adolescent stage experience a plethora of challenges as they transition from childhood to adulthood. Among students, these challenges are compounded by the abrupt shift to online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There may be undesirable behavioral and social outcomes in adolescence, but it cannot be merely assumed that these outcomes raise threats; several aspects seen as challenging may turn out to stimulate positive progress. Like other positive psychology studies, this undertaking sought to appreciate the optimistic and emotionally gratifying aspects of human behavior and experiences. It describes the curiosity and strengths used by adolescents that contribute to their life, and provides information on the examined relationship between the components of curiosity (exploration and absorption) and strengths used, as well as the possible differences of the responses when grouped based on sex, grade level, academic performance, and membership in organizations. Findings showed that most adolescents use their strengths 70 percent to 80 percent of the time, albeit to a low degree. They also have a fairly large amount of motivation to seek and experience new knowledge and experiences. Furthermore, curiosity and exploration, as well as strengths use, significantly differ between adolescents in the secondary level and those in the tertiary level of education. Curiosity and strengths use do not differ in terms of sex, academic performance, and participation in co-curricular activities. More so, a significant positive relationship between curiosity and strength use was found.

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Asna Abdulkader, Narayanan Annalakshmi

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 2, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-12-17

Keywords : Online Learning Self-Efficacy, Media and Technology Usage, Psychological Distress

Abstract : The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has created quite a restless situation globally. Though the pandemic outbreak has invited much confusion, it has also generated many opportunities like learning to effectively use technology in every walk of life. Online learning has become inevitable in the era of COVID-19. The study examines the influence of media, technology usage and attitude towards online learning self-efficacy. Further, the study examines the relationship between online learning self-efficacy, psychological distress, and resilience in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic that brought a sudden shift from conventional teaching to online teaching in Universities in India. The study was conducted among 257 students studying in colleges and universities in India between 18 to 30 years of age. The findings showeda significant gender difference in online learning self-efficacy and media technology usage, in which male studentswere significantly higher than female students on media and technology usage and female students were significantly higher than male students on online learning self-efficacy. Multiple regression analysis was carried out to assess the relationship between online learning self-efficacy with media and technology usage and attitude towards media and technology. It was found that attitude towards media and technology positively predicted online learning self-efficacy. The findings were discussed with implications for future research, practice, and policy making.

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Noor Aizidawanie binti Tahir, Noor Hassline binti Mohamed, Norsimah binti Dasan

Volume : Vol 9 Issue 1, 2021

Publication Date : 2021-09-28

Keywords : Ketum, Felda, Teori Pembelajaran Sosial, Teori Ekologi, Faktor-faktor, Tren

Abstract : Penyalahgunaan ketum bukanlah suatu isu yang baharu dalam masyarakat kita pada hari ini. Di media-media massa banyak memaparkan berita-berita berkenaan dengan penyalahgunaan ketum. Apa yang membimbangkan, isu ini juga melibatkan golongan remaja yang merupakan pelapis pada pembangunan negara pada masa hadapan. Jadi, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka penyalahgunaan ketum dalam kalangan remaja Felda. Seramai 5 orang individu yang terdiri daripada remaja Felda telah dijadikan sebagai subjek dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif yang menggunakan temubual semi struktur bertujuan meneroka secara mendalam mengenai faktor-faktor penglibatan remaja Felda dalam penyalahgunaan ketum dan juga mengkaji trend penyalahgunaan ketum dalam kalangan remaja Felda. Teori Pembelajaran Sosial dan juga Teori Ekologi digunakan oleh pengkaji sebagai kerangka memahami faktor-faktor penyalahgunaan ketum dan juga trend penggunaan air ketum dalam kalangan remaja Felda. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi remaja Felda dalam terlibat dengan penyalahgunaan ketum. Antaranya ialah rakan sebaya, sikap ingin mencuba, kesihatan dan ingin mendapatkan kekuatan fizikal. Manakala trend yang dikenalpasti adalah dari cara pengambilan, kelompok rakan sebaya dan juga persekitaran. Jadi, berdasarkan dapatan yang diperolehi, isu penyalahgunaan ketum ini perlu dihat secara serius agar masa hadapan golongan belia Felda lebih terjamin pada masa hadapan dalam meneruskan legasi pembangunan Felda.

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